Thank you, Madam Chair.
I offer my apologies for not bringing either carrot snacks or apple wedges, but I'm not sure they would have fit in my briefcase.
As context, the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly was established about five years ago through funding from the national Centres of Excellence. It brings together geriatricians, health care professionals from nursing, social work, and other disciplines. Since its initial establishment, it has now grown to more than 2,000 members and includes lawyers, police officers, and a variety of other individuals committed to promoting the health and well-being of older adults.
My own background is that of a registered nurse working primarily in long-term care, with an adjunct appointment in home care, so these comments are influenced by my perspective.
I would like to address my remarks specific to aging, older adults, and the presence of chronic disease in the format of key messages. I am sure that with the number of witnesses you have called and are calling, you are well aware of the increased presence of chronic disease in Canada and of the supporting statistical data.
Key message number one is that aging is a lifelong process. In Canada, older adults are typically described as all men and women aged 65 years and over. This large and growing population is a highly diverse group, reflecting different values, educational levels, socio-economic status, and the presence of varying chronic conditions, all of which, again, influence health status in the broadest perspective of the term.
Women and men experience aging in different ways and thus experience the presence of chronic disease and its management in different ways. There are significant differences between life at age 65 and life at age 75 or 85. Aging may reflect varying levels of independence and dependence--again, influenced by the presence of chronic disease.
The majority of older Canadians, more than 90%, live primarily independently in the community and want to remain there. Thus the term “aging in place” is well known and is used in resource planning and service delivery activities. But perhaps we should be considering aging in the right place with the right resources.
I would also point out that today's generation of older adults will not be the senior generation of tomorrow, and policy-makers and service deliverers both need to address this reality, because this will affect how we respond to the presence of chronic disease.
Key message number two is that chronic disease is not a corequisite of growing older. While the presence of chronic disease does increase with age, aging and chronic disease should not be perceived as inseparable twins.
Chronic diseases are the result of a complex web of causation, including genetics, gender, environment, and lifestyle factors. Modifiable risk factors, such as unhealthy diet--which is why I would suggest the carrot snacks--physical inactivity, and tobacco use, in combination with the non-modifiable factors of age and heredity, explain the majority of most chronic diseases in older adults.
The increasing presence of chronic disease and the increasing numbers of older Canadians, especially those over the age of 80, is well documented. Supporting healthy aging will promote a healthy and active population, consequently helping to reduce or delay the presence of chronic disease and the need for health care services.
Key message number three is that chronicity is associated with poor health and disability for some older adults. Poor health and disability in old age are largely a consequence of chronic diseases and conditions; for example, deterioration in vision and hearing, or a reduced sense of balance coupled with injuries due to falls.
The World Health Organization has recently pushed non-communicable diseases up its health care agenda, and WHO has focused on four chronic conditions: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease. These are responsible for premature mortality. They also focus on four risk factors: smoking, harmful alcohol use, lack of physical activity, and high-salt, high-fat diets.
The majority of older adults living in the community--about 80%--have at least one chronic condition, and of this group, 33% have three or more chronic conditions, compared with 12% of younger adults. For older adults, diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia are especially significant. In addition, between 10% and 15% of older adults in the community suffer from depressive symptoms and/or clinical depression, another chronic condition.
Polypharmacy—and in no way, gentlemen, am I even mentioning anything other than polypharmacy—is a recognized health challenge and is often associated with the presence of chronic disease.
A key message is that maintaining independence should be a key objective. Maintaining independence as one grows older should be a key objective of individuals, of the community, and of policy-makers. Dependency is highly related to the presence of chronic conditions and associated pain.
Supporting activities and choices that help older adults delay and manage chronic disease and pain—for example, appropriate physical activity and falls prevention programs—may reduce dependency associated with chronic conditions and ultimately support their ability to live in the community. This would require a shift in priorities away from medical treatment and acute care towards health promotion, disease and injury prevention, healthy aging, and family and community support.
Another key message is that developing and using self-management programs is required. Self-management refers to the tasks that an individual must undertake to live well with one or more chronic conditions. These tasks include gaining confidence to deal with medical management, lifestyle management, and emotional management. This is usually a process for the older adult that is done in partnership with a health care professional.
One key component is education. The older adult needs accurate and current information to be able to make informed choices about how to manage his or her chronic disease. We often say that an older adult made an inappropriate or--quote, unquote--stupid choice, but in realty we have to question what information they were given to make an informed decision. There are a number of self-management programs in Canada, the first of which was at the University of Victoria.
Here is another key message. Support for informal care providers is essential. Caregiving--such as support for older adults who are aging with a chronic condition and who may need help with grocery shopping or travel to a doctor's appointment--is largely provided by family members, but these same family members remain largely invisible. They also lack training in or education on the aging process; for example, how to address minor health needs associated with a chronic condition, how to distinguish normal aging changes from dysfunctional ones that may flare up in a chronic condition for their older family member, or how to advocate within the health care system.
Family members provide billions of dollars per year in support, with estimates ranging between $60 billion and $80 billion in support provided by informal care providers. But health care expenditures—for example, loss of time from work by a daughter—can impoverish some families.
However, we need to consider fatigue, caregiver burden, and burnout as challenges faced by family members. We often relate to students in our training programs that they have two patients: they have the older adult and they have the one standing beside the bed, but they are only funded to care for one.
Here is another key message. Social relationships can contribute to quality of life. There is strong evidence that higher levels of social integration are associated with lower morbidity and mortality rates. Higher levels of social integration have been found to provide protective effects against a wide range of physical and mental illnesses.
In one recent U.S. study, loneliness was prospectively associated with increased risk of incident coronary heart disease, after controlling for other multiple factors. A study of older adults in Thailand recently found that social support buffered the impacts of dependency and disability and reduced the risk of depression.
Social participation may be a health-motivating factor for older adults with a chronic condition, one that we need to seriously explore, yet at the same time, transportation challenges—for example, getting to a local bus stop or obtaining a ride with a family member—are serious concerns that may impede social relationships.
Here again is a key message: acute care hospitals are not designed for those with chronic conditions. Acute care hospitals are designed for short-term interventions aimed at curing presenting signs and symptoms. They focus on the presenting health problem and often do not note that the older adult is a whole, with both challenges and strengths associated with personal aging. The presence of older adults who often enter acute care hospitals with pre-existing chronic conditions—for example, hypertension or diabetes—challenges the attitudes of doctors, professional nursing staff, and others.
This is another key message: intervention should start in the early years. Chronic diseases do not come as a birthday gift when one turns 65 years of age. Health promotion education needs to be a clear and mandated thread within all educational programs across the country, starting in the earliest grades.
I would like to thank this committee for hearing our views.