I'll take on the aging at home. I'll begin, and my colleagues can contribute.
I don't think there's any question that we lag in having good community support. We have some good models. SIPA and PRISMA, from Quebec, really demonstrate how we can keep people at home much longer using interdisciplinary teams with case managers who can move money around—who have that control to move money when somebody moves into a hospital—and who can then set up the services, very rich and intense services, for a short period of time to get them back out of hospital.
I know Ontario best in terms of that. We started off with a robust aging at home program that got eroded over the years. We don't have a federal act that addresses home care, and somehow the funds got transferred to meet our waiting times. They really got put into the acute care system, which is like a big sucking vacuum cleaner. It pulls in all the resources.
That's why we proposed what we did. We're not original in this. I think Neena Chappell, whom you might know, from the University of Victoria, and Marcus Hollander proposed what they call a continuing care act, a long-term care or continuing care act, in order to give continuing care, home care, and long-term care. If we have good continuing care, we can delay the need for nursing home care.
I don't mean to eliminate nursing homes. Probably Denmark has gone about as far as you can in that, because they have such a well-coordinated and intensive home care program. Before we're going to get that, we need federal leadership to establish this continuing care act. Then to complement it, it needs some funds.
Dr. Réjean Hébert, from the University of Sherbrooke, has recently written about the need to establish this long-term care insurance plan. It would serve community care and nursing home care and provide funding so that it can't be eroded by the demands of acute care. It would be tax funded, publicly funded.
What he proposes is a fund whereby provinces could set up their own schemes. That may include putting funds into the hands of family members or of older people requiring community long-term care so they can purchase their own. Or they can rely on a provider, who would be paid publicly, but that may very well be through a public or a private agency.