That is trés bon. There's my French. I have three kids who speak it very well, but unfortunately their mum keeps trying to learn and never gets the time to do it consistently. That's a problem. I love the language. Please speak in French. We have translation here.
We also have with us, from the Canadian Pharmacists Association, Jeff Poston, the executive director, and Phil Emberley, director of pharmacy innovation.
Welcome. We're very glad you're here.
We have, from the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly, Dr. Sandra Hirst, executive board member.
On the translating research in elder care project, we have two people who are going to be speaking about a project together, I understand.
We have 10 minutes, so you'll each have five to do that.
As individuals, we have with us Dr. Carole Estabrooks, professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta--my sister is a nurse, so I appreciate all the good work you folks do--and Dr. Dorothy Pringle, professor emeritus, from the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto.
We will begin with each organization giving their 10-minute presentation.
Madame Garon, please.