I would say obviously research, but I think something else. I think that as we become much better at using electronic health records and become better at engaging clinicians who are seeing people every day—one of the CIHR programs is attempting to get physicians who are actually in contact with patients every day to use the data on their own patients and share that evidence—we're also going to have a much better way of building up knowledge of the people who are coming to see their doctors now. Even if we don't actually know what the cause is, we'll get a much better sense of how people's disease progresses.
In other words, without electronic health records, we are working with one hand tied behind our back. We're not able to accumulate the information. If you imagine how companies who want to sell us things and companies who are able to use our credit card information, let's say, to develop a profile as a consumer.... They're way ahead, in their capacity to understand us, of where our physician is.