We talked about that last year before the parliamentary committee in Quebec. Here is our position. First, we want a public debate. Second, we carefully explained that, at this time, there aren't any real palliative care services designed specifically for seniors. So, before further examining the matter of assisted suicide and other issues, we need to look at whether we can provide real palliative care to seniors right now. We take for granted that, if someone is 84 or 85 years old, they will die. That's not true. There are people who need palliative care. We asked that palliative care be provided to elderly people.
We were even more adamant in asking for palliative care for children as well. We think that's important. In addition, someone at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre is investing a lot of effort into explaining just how important palliative care is. Palliative care for children is different.
Therefore, we want current palliative care to be strengthened in order to meet the needs. In addition, we want a public debate to figure out what that means. For instance, what is an acceptable life?