If you think of a typical sales cycle for a group plan, for example, what happens is that an employer will usually work with a broker or with a consultant of some kind to design the employee benefit program they want to have. That will cover a whole range of services, including things like chiropractic, physiotherapy, and prescription drugs. Things like short-term and long-term care tend to be bundled within those benefit plans. The employer does a lot of thinking up front with the advisor. Then when the insurer enters into that discussion, we bring our expertise to the table. We help people understand the standard within their industry and what a comparable plan for other employers would be.
With respect to the question of affordability, you can design a program to be as expensive or as inexpensive as you want, depending on how you structure your benefits. That's a discussion that's customized for every employer. When we understand what their needs are, we try to design a solution that's as affordable for them as possible. The range of solutions is as varied as the employers across the country. Those are discussions you have with a group sponsor at every opportunity.