I think we need to take some chances within the system. We need to take chances amongst the professionals who are providing the services and to look at opportunities to work together like we never have before.
There was a question earlier about reaching out to senior populations and providing exercise opportunities. Here in Ottawa, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute has a heart-wise exercise program that's across all of eastern Ontario, and into the greater Toronto area now. We provide, through community paramedic programs, volunteer instruction so that people in long-term care facilities can get out and self-manage by walking in the halls of those nursing homes, and doing it in a way that's predictable in terms of improving their health.
I think overall, from province to province, we've seen variations in care. One of the things we're asking for in Canada is to define the standard of care in paramedic practice. We believe community paramedicine is an essential part of that. We believe that by looking at best practices, by having the federal government take a leadership role in saying, break down the professional silos, provide the services in the communities, stop putting money into bricks and mortar, and start putting money into people's homes so that they can manage their own care, that has been demonstrated to save significant dollars and empower people who truly want to continue to care for themselves.