We will discuss that when we find out when the bells ring, for sure. Apparently that's up in the air. I'll ask the committee what their will is at the end of the time, Dr. Morin.
Now we'll begin with the presentations from the witnesses. We have with us, as an individual, via video conference, Dr. Margaret McGregor. She is a clinical associate professor, department of family practice, University of British Columbia.
Thank you so much, Dr. McGregor, for joining us today. We're very pleased to have you.
As an individual, we have Dr. Sylvie Belleville. We're glad to have you here as well. You're from the research centre of the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. Did I do that well?
And we have, from Lakehead University, Dr. Michel Bédard, Canada research chair in aging and health.
We're very pleased to have you all here. We will have ten-minute presentations.
We'll start with Dr. Sylvie Belleville because I understand you have to catch a train or a plane or some mode of transportation soon.
Thank you, Doctor.