This is an area that has a lot of interest. Last year Health Canada, working with some other partners, held a workshop. Food and Consumer Products of Canada was involved. EatRight Ontario and CIHR were also involved. A think tank came together to try to figure out how to make nutrition information available at the point of purchase in restaurants and food services.
A lot came out of that. A report will be available in the next little while. The FPT group on nutrition, of which I am the federal co-chair, formed a working group that is looking at this. We're working closely with the provinces and territories to develop a framework for making nutrition information available at restaurants and food services. That working group was co-chaired by Health Canada as well as B.C.
It's important to note this is not just a federal responsibility. This is a responsibility shared by the provinces and the territories, and we are collaborating in putting together a framework.
CIHR has also funded some research. Do you want to talk about that, Phil?