Thank you.
I would like our analysts, Sonya and Raphaelle, to come to the table.
You know Sonya, I'm sure, as she has been here with us for a very long time and has done a fabulous job.
We are pleased to have Raphaelle Deraspe with us.
Welcome. Thank you for being here.
We'll now go to routine motion number 2 on the subcommittee on agenda and procedure:
That the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure be established and composed of the Chair, the two Vice-Chairs, and the Parliamentary Secretary.
In the last session, the committee decided to add to this. We added that “each member of the Subcommittee [shall] be permitted to have one assistant attend at any meetings” of the subcommittee, because we found that useful.
Dr. Carrie.