The YMCA is involved in probably 700 or 800 schools across the country every day, working with young people in after-school programs.
I would say that in recent years—and I think that this is an important opportunity—our after-school programs have moved from having more of a child care focus to including both care and lifestyle promotion. We, much more today than before, have integrated healthy eating, healthy active living, physical activity, and so on into our child care programs. There are many organizations working on this, and I think this is a real opportunity to make sure that all after-school programs—and they should be expanded—incorporate healthy living into them.
The other thing that we have seen again in the first nations communities is that having meal programs, like you mentioned, is.... In some cases in low-income communities, as first nations communities mostly are, the need for having nutritional programs to help kids not only be healthier but also be able to learn is extremely important.