Good morning and welcome to committee. I have to say we've been very pleased with the study we've done on our topic of health promotion and disease prevention, because we've had a lot of witnesses who have given us some really good input and we're delighted you're here today.
We have with us, from the Centre for Science in the Public Interest, Mr. Bill Jeffery. Welcome, Bill.
From Food and Consumer Products of Canada, we have Ms. Phyllis Tanaka. Welcome, Phyllis.
From the Saskatoon Health Region, we have Ms. Nancy Klebaum, who is the manager, and Ms. Donna Nelson, the nutritionist for the Food for Thought program. We're very pleased to have you here.
And from Québec en Forme, we have Madame Diane LeMay, assistant manager. She is testifying via video.
Can you hear me?