Thank you.
I want to thank the witnesses for coming. I especially want to welcome Mary Collins, who, as everyone would know, was a Minister of Health at one time, so she knows about all the federal-provincial jurisdictional issues and about pilot projects not leading to sustainable funding. I want to congratulate her on doing some very good work over the years since she's left politics.
There are a couple of things I wanted to ask about. Libby mentioned sodium strategy, and Mary talked about having a provincial buy-in to it. The thing about the sodium strategy is that the provinces have all agreed on what that strategy should look like, and they agreed to it in meetings with the federal government, so the Department of Health and the provinces all have an agreement on regulations for sodium and a sodium strategy.
However, as we sit here and talk about health promotion being important, it has to be more than talk. We have to put some teeth into it. I think that if we want to really do something, we should be looking at regulations, and regulations have not come about, even though the provinces and the Department of Health have recognized this problem and have recommended regulations. That's rather interesting.
Obesity is another one. I'm saying this because we talk about regulation and about having a rule, and although we don't want to regulate everything, sometimes voluntary strategies don't work. Then we have to move into regulations. We've done it very well with alcohol. We did it very well with smoking. You can see good results, and we really need to look at obesity, which causes a huge amount of disease, and at all of them.
I wanted to ask you to expand a little more on the role of regulation in making sure that people have a little tool to help them, because people are going to choose. I wanted to ask you about that.
I also wanted to thank Ms. Orji for her really innovative idea. We're talking about innovation being what drives health care, and this is innovative, because we can reach all youth. We know that sedentary lifestyles and sitting around a computer playing video games, unless you play Wii, really do increase obesity, because you're not doing the exercises you need. Using social networking and an iPhone to help you do that is brilliant. If you have shares, Ms. Orji, I'll buy some, because it's really a fantastically innovative idea.
I also want to thank Ms. Forhan. I wonder if she'd have time to expand a little bit on the idea of measurable goals. This idea was floated about 35 years ago by a health minister, and it has never come about. Everyone is afraid of measurable goals because they're afraid they won't reach them. Well, if you don't know where you're going, as the great Yogi Berra used to say, how are you going to know when you get there? If you set a goal and you fall short, it still means that you know you're getting somewhere, and you can start. Indicators and all of that are useless unless you have measurable goals.
Perhaps Ms. Collins could comment on regulations and the role of regulations.