Thank you very much.
Thank you all for your presentations. It's good to see B.C. represented here as it is at the table in this committee.
Mrs. Block talked about 74 first nations in Saskatchewan. I think I have 40 in my riding alone. I have visited a number of them and I have seen the difficulty. Ms. Fry asks whether they have access to the same level of leisure activity, leisure centres, and recreation centres; some communities in my riding have 1,000 people who are an hour's drive from a community that has 2,000 people in it, so it's very difficult for them. They have a band office with a health centre attached to it, and that's about it.
My questions are about that kind of situation. How do we reconcile that? You talked about local services. Often the community itself is, as I said, 1,000 people and does not have a lot of local infrastructure. How do we overcome those challenges? As you say, you want it to be community-driven, but there's not the expertise, there's not the capacity. How do we go about serving those aboriginal Canadians?