I can comment on that a bit. There are lots of projects going on across this country. If you come to our conference, you'll see posters and presentations of all kinds on fascinating things that are going on around food security.
I don't think there's a magic bullet. I think it requires a number of different approaches. As examples, a lot of places in northern British Columbia are looking at new ways of growing food. I was meeting with folks recently on how to use waste from some of the wood products to fuel greenhouses in the north so that they could be producing fresh food there. These kinds of innovative approaches need to be addressed.
As for food in schools, we had some very successful farm-to-school projects in northern and remote communities in British Columbia. They really helped to change behaviour in the children and they influenced their parents as well to get children to eat healthier foods.
A huge amount of work is going on in the area of food security, but underlying it, when you talk about the social determinants of health, is still the ability of people to buy fresh food and good food. That continues to be a challenge, particularly in northern and remote areas. The B.C. government has been working on a pilot project to subsidize food; I'm not sure that approach is necessarily going to answer the problem. I think it may help, but you still have to get people motivated to buy the fresh food.
The other side of that equation concerns how we can help raise those with the lowest incomes. In B.C. we've been advocating increases in the minimum wage, which has happened, and living wages. My dear colleague from the Canadian Cancer Society is from one of the first organizations to implement a living wage, and they did so not only for their employees but for all their contractors. We have other examples in B.C. We think this is something that is going to keep growing out there too. It will make a big difference.