From the model we have, boys care more about disease, but they also care about looking healthy. Most boys of a young age care about their attractiveness, but to boys attractiveness doesn't mean weight; it means the body's appearance, the general body build. Therefore, if I want to motivate a guy, I might not just focus on the weight; I might focus on the general appearance, the body build and stuff like that. That is what drives the boys.
What we're going to build for them is like this. If you want to build them up, you might want to create a model that makes them want to build their muscles. We want to tailor it to people's health needs, and for boys, that means creating a model that makes them choose building muscles. For somebody who wants to look good--and most of the guys want to build their bodies and build muscles--if you get an opportunity to channel someone into that aspect, they are so enthusiastic about it.
That's one of the things we're doing.