With all protocols observed, it is my honour and privilege to appear before you, the honourable chairman and members of the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Health, to share some of my knowledge on health promotion and disease prevention, and more specifically on obesity prevention.
My name is Rita Orji. I am a Nigerian and a doctorate student in the department of computer science in the University of Saskatchewan. I am under the mentorship of Dr. Julita Vassileva and Dr. Regan Mandryk.
My primary research focus is on the influence of persuasive technology in the prevention of chronic metabolic diseases through lifestyle change, particularly the prevention of obesity. Recently I was awarded a Canadian government Vanier scholarship to conduct research on the design of persuasive technologies for healthy lifestyle change with a specific focus on obesity prevention.
I'm here to speak on health promotion and disease prevention, and more specifically on the topic of obesity. I'll be sharing the knowledge I've gained from studying relevant literatures and from some research experiences I've had in actively working in this area over the past two years.
Obesity is a major health concern worldwide, and specifically here in Canada. It has attracted attention from both governmental and non-governmental bodies. According to measured height and weight data from both the 2008 Canadian Community Health Survey and the 2007-2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey, approximately one in four Canadian adults is obese. Also, as of 2008 it was reported that approximately 61% of Canadian adults and 30% of Canadian teens are either overweight or obese.
Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits are the two main contributors to the escalation of obesity in our society today. As a result, several worldwide attempts have been made by both governments and private sectors to counter the rising trend of obesity and associated chronic diseases.
The attempts are largely informed by the connections that have been made between obesity and poor health. Being overweight has been found to increase the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, mental illness, and in some cases cancer. As the prevalence of overweight and obese people increases, the implication in terms of premature death and burdening the Canadian health care system becomes acute as well.
Attempts at preventing obesity, especially in the last decade, have been targeted on such interventions as public awareness, counselling, and drug use. However, these approaches have not produced the desired long-term sustainable effect, for the following reasons: first, they are not based on the understanding of human behaviour--that is, how behaviours are formed and how they can be altered; second, they are not well integrated into people's daily lives and therefore face the problems of adoption and maintenance; third, they are not cost-effective and therefore face the problem of long-term sustainability; and fourth, they are based on the assumption that humans are rational beings and will always act to maximize benefit and reduce risk.
However, when it comes to lifestyle, we cannot assume that humans will necessarily behave rationally. Rational people would change their behaviours when exposed to convincing information about the negative effects on their health. Most lifestyle-related health challenges, including obesity, that we experience today should not be there, considering the widespread health education and health campaigns, yet this is not the case; it is very hard to make people stop smoking, eat healthfully, and exercise regularly.
A successful intervention for changing human behaviour should be based on the understanding of how behaviours are formed and how they can be altered.
A promising approach to health promotion and disease prevention that has emerged recently is persuasive technology. The goal is to design technology that would change human behaviours or attitudes in an intended manner without using coercion or deception.
Fogg, one of the authorities of persuasive technology, identified three major factors that are necessary for a successful change of behaviour.
These include motivation, ability, and trigger. For a person to successfully perform a behaviour, he or she must be motivated. The person must also have the ability to perform the behaviour and be triggered to perform it. These three factors must be present at the same time for a behaviour to occur.
Generally, persuasive technological solutions to disease prevention are effective for the following reasons: first, they can be integrated into people's daily lives, become part of their daily routine, and cause long-term behaviour change; second, they are based on health theories of behavioural change and motivate people in accordance with their strengths; third, they capitalize on some natural and individual human drives; fourth, they are more cost-effective than all other intervention approaches, such as traditional labour-intensive counselling; fifth, they make it easy to tailor interventions to individuals' needs, motivations, and goals; and sixth, they use the just-in-time approach to provide immediate feedback at the time and place it is needed to persuade.
The appeal of persuasive technology for behaviour change is amplified by the recent penetration of mobile technologies such as mobile phone and tablets. The mobile platform provides a unique opportunity for designing persuasive technology tailored to an individual user's needs and situations.
Mobile phones have become ubiquitous today and are now an important part of most Canadian homes. As of 2010, there were over five billion mobile phone connections worldwide. Specifically, the penetration rate of mobile devices in Canada was around 70% in 2010. Mobile computing holds great potential for motivating behaviour change, because successful intervention for all lifestyle changes will build on technologies that people already use and applications that integrate seamlessly into their daily lives. Mobile phones are part of our personal space; they are proactive and can alert us at exactly the right time.
For people who want to be healthy and have a healthier lifestyle, persuasive technology would make it easier to maintain such a lifestyle. It offers refined and personalized measurements by embedded sensors and delivers feedback accessible at the point of need. For people who are not convinced that they need to change their behaviour, persuasive technology can gradually persuade them through various strategies. Persuasive technology can be designed to expose both the long-term and short-term consequences of risky behaviour. It can also present the benefit of the desired behaviour and compare it in a captivating manner with the short-term gratification of unhealthy behaviour. What is most important is that these benefits and risks can be tailored to an individual's need, thereby amplifying their effects.
Persuasive technology application can be easily integrated into the user's daily life and can offer opportune moments to persuade the user accordingly.
A typical example of a persuasive application is a cellphone that measures an individual's physical activity level and provides feedback and encouragement through an interactive graphical interface.
In conclusion, we reiterate our belief that obesity is an epidemic that requires urgent attention. Although many interventions have been implemented to combat this epidemic, they have not been very successful so far. We believe that technology intervention is a promising approach to combatting this epidemic more effectively. We propose that for persuasive technology intervention to be effective, it must generally be based on sound theories of human behaviour change, tailored to the individual user and usage context, unobstructively integrated into the user's daily life, be easy to use, and be able to intrinsically motivate a user, using various strategies.
This direction for the future of persuasive technological intervention for healthy lifestyle change forms the core of my research. With specific reference to my research, our core interest and focus is on how to tailor various persuasive strategies and theories to users and user groups.
Specifically, it is not only how to intrinsically motivate healthy behaviour change but also how to integrate persuasive technological strategies into an individual's daily life using mobile and handheld devices.
On a final note, I wish to express my gratitude to my mentors, Dr. Julita Vasseliva and Dr. Regan Mandryk, who have been mentoring me thus far in my studies.
Last but not least, I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to you, the chairman and members of the Standing Committee on Health, for reposing such confidence in me and my work as to invite me to share it.