Thanks very much for the question, and thanks so much for your support. I certainly appreciate you speaking in favour of this bill in the House. It means a lot to get support from all parties, and particularly from those who are so knowledgeable about the health care system in general.
As I said in my remarks, this is an issue that Health Canada was prepared to act on in 2007 when I presented my private member's motion, which actually was going to do basically the same thing. It was going to be included in some legislation that hopefully would have been passed in the House, but because of the election in 2008, that legislation did not go forward. Rather than wait until the legislation was reintroduced, I decided that it would be more prudent for me to introduce this as a separate, private member's bill, and since my time was coming up on the roster, I was able to do that.
Health Canada definitely has, in the past, indicated a willingness to go forward with this, and it was just timing that actually prevented it.