Chair and committee members, my name is Rob Cunningham. I am a lawyer and senior policy analyst with the Canadian Cancer Society.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify today.
Regarding the proposed regulations being considered by the committee, it is the recommendation of the Canadian Cancer Society and many other health organizations that these regulations be approved as is, without amendment, and that they be approved as soon as possible.
These regulations will reduce tobacco use, increase awareness of the health effects, and reduce package deception. These regulations will reduce youth addiction and will save lives. Clearly, delays in the coming into force of the regulations, as urged by Imperial Tobacco, must be avoided.
Minister Aglukkaq and Health Canada deserve praise for the work they have completed. The regulations are outstanding as a source document and in the new warnings. Indeed, all political parties deserve praise for their support of the enhanced picture warnings to be required by the regulations.
I note that this committee has previously studied this issue.
The tobacco industry has argued that there is insufficient evidence that the 75% warning size will be more effective than a smaller size. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence, and it is precisely because the industry knows that the enhanced warnings will reduce sales that the industry is opposed.
I have with me the cover of a compilation of evidence that the Canadian Cancer Society has already provided to all parties and to the committee's research staff. This evidence is available for consideration by MPs during Parliament's consideration of these regulations.
The Canadian Cancer Society itself has conducted four studies--three among adults and one among youth--to assess the increase in warning size to 75%. The studies, which complement Health Canada's research, were online studies conducted nationwide by Environics Research Group in which respondents were shown mock-ups of the new warnings in different sizes. These studies were conducted in 2011, after release of the proposed new warnings.
The results were overwhelming. When Canadians were shown a heart disease warning, for example, in a 75% size and a 50% size, and asked which would be more effective at discouraging smoking among Canadians, 72% selected the 75% warning size, and only 7% selected the smaller 50% warning size. Among youth 12 to 17 years old, the results were similarly powerful: 81% selected the 75% warning size, and only 6% selected the 50% warning size.
Further, as part of the material we have forwarded to committee members, there are 22 opinions from experts in Canada and internationally that the effectiveness of health warnings increases with size, and that the 75% health warning size is more effective than smaller sizes.
We've heard the industry comments with respect to the implementation date of six months. I would suggest that the industry has no credibility on this issue.
In 2000, when picture warning regulations were being considered by this committee, the industry argued that it was technically impossible in Canada for Canadian printers to print colour picture health warnings to comply with the regulations. They said it was impossible, but when the regulations were finalized, the industry was able to comply within the stipulated transition period. The industry also went before Quebec Superior Court to argue that it was impossible to meet the regulatory requirements to print colour picture warnings in time. The court dismissed the argument, and the regulations were enforced.
The industry made all changes last time in nine months, so it's interesting that today Imperial Tobacco is asking for twelve months. The regulations last time said twelve months, but they did nothing for the first three because they attempted to get an application in court to block the regulations from coming into force. They made all the changes in nine months. They also made changes for other tobacco products that are not covered by the current regulations, such as roll-your-own tobacco, pipe tobacco, and large cigars. This time they are already set up to do colour pictures. Last time they were not; it was a new thing. The industry always argues that it doesn't have enough time. The industry is very sophisticated. The industry can do it.
In 1993, for that particular round of regulations, the industry argued before the Supreme Court of Canada that it could actually make changes to all cigarette packages within three months, provided the format of the existing warnings did not change. When industry wants to move quickly, it can.
It is very interesting. I have with me a letter from JTI-Macdonald, submitted to Health Canada on December 3, 2009, as part of this regulatory development process. It recommended to Health Canada that the implementation period at the manufacturing level be six months--exactly what it is in the regulations now, so it's quite surprising to see Imperial Tobacco arguing for a longer period of 12 months--and Health Canada acted on the recommendations of JTI-Macdonald.
It's also interesting to note that a bunch of other countries have transition periods at the manufacturer reporting level of six months or less: Singapore, Bolivia, India, Uruguay. If these other countries that are less sophisticated than Canada can do it, certainly our very sophisticated manufacturers can meet similar deadlines in Canada. I believe there are others. I would have to verify, but I believe that Brazil had nine months at the retailer level, which is the same as in these regulations. Turkey had six months or less. There are a lot of countries.
Imperial Tobacco raised three particular arguments. I disagree with these three particular points in terms of interpretation of the regulation. Let me quickly indicate them.
I've dealt with the first one, the six-month transition period. Second, they expressed a concern with respect to the words “at least 75%”. This was a change compared to the draft published February 19, but these exact words appear in the current regulations, the Tobacco Products Information Regulations in place for the last 10 years. There's nothing new or unusual here, and I think it's important that these words at least be here. If tobacco companies wanted to have a warning larger than 75%, they should be free to do that. We should not indirectly have 75% as a maximum, and that change to the regulations is appropriate. It's clear. It has been in place for 10 years, in terms of similar wording.
Finally, with respect to the reference to wholesalers, I do not think that there's any problem practically. The regulations have a date for manufacturers. There's a date for retailers. Wholesalers actually don't have an obligation to comply with a particular date. There's an obligation on manufacturers and importers and retailers. As a lawyer, I do not think there's a problem with that.
In conclusion, please allow me to reiterate our recommendation that the regulations be approved without amendment.
Let me add a further point on something raised by Imperial Tobacco. They said that they admit the health risks, but they use very careful wording. They don't say “cause and effect”; for them, “health risk” means statistical association, and in Quebec Superior Court, where there is currently a class action suit, they have refused to admit that smoking has a causal relationship with cancer. This is in 2011.
So when the testimony of Imperial Tobacco is being considered, let's consider the entire context of this particular company's credibility.
Thank you once again for the opportunity to appear before the committee.
I look forward to your questions.