And I can say that we absolutely agree on the need for evidence-based medicine; you know that.
I'll point out three FDA phase two trials currently being undertaken in the U.S. I'm now going to quote Michael Shannon, former deputy surgeon general for Canada and director general of the laboratory for disease control:
It would seem that we have learned nothing from The Krever Commission which very clearly placed the blame for both the HIV and Hepatitis C misadventures of the 80's on the shoulders of the Red Cross and Health Canada. Their inability and unwillingness to protect the Canadian public was at least in part driven by financial considerations and tragically cost thousands of Canadian lives and ultimately the Canadian taxpayer billions in health care costs and law suits. Is CCSVI any different? Having lived through the restructuring of the Canadian Blood System in the late 90's—
He helped to enhance both the regulatory and public health concepts. He continues:
—I consider the lack of definitive action on the part of Governments, Government agencies such as the CIHR and NGO's such as the Canadian MS Society extremely disappointing.
How do you respond to that?