Sandoz has been manufacturing products, key medicine, for the last 30 years. It is the first time that our company in Boucherville received a warning letter.
The way the system works in regard to...each of our applications for a new product is linked with one manufacturing site. This is the way it is today. This is definitely a big lesson learned for us, and I think now we have the opportunity in the future, for the same product, to provide that key medicine, either produced at plant A, which is Boucherville, or plant B. I think this is definitely a big lesson learned for industry and for Sandoz. That's why we have rapidly identified alternate sourcing, to be able to go to HealthPRO in the future and say, this is a key medicine and you can source it from Sandoz, either from plant A or plant B.
There's no doubt that the current situation is really making us think differently about the way we source products. In some cases, we are the sole provider.