I don't know a great deal about the details of it. I can tell you that we have been involved and we have been asked to put forward our position as Neurological Health Charities Canada on personalized medicine in terms of how that issue will affect our constituents.
So we have been asked to come to various fora by the Canadian Medical Association, for example, and by other partners. Actually there's a meeting today dealing with this in Toronto, which our staff are attending. We believe in the principles that have been espoused, in general, by the CMA. I would use the words “patient-centred medicine” or “individual-centred medicine”. We actually don't use the word “patient” in our organization. We're about empowerment and about talking about individuals taking control for themselves, but the whole issue of personalized medicine and of individuals being able to manage their own condition in dialogue with primary care and with specialists is absolutely key.
There were points I was making with you about public awareness, public education. I didn't share with you, but Parkinson Society Canada will be publishing clinical guidelines in June.