Thank you for the chance to speak to that.
The project we're doing on a systematic review of these 14 conditions is one of about 15 projects that are part of the PHAC national population health study of neurological conditions. We're looking at what we know at this point in time about factors that cause neurological disease, the 14 in particular that we're studying, and factors that influence their progression. We have a very structured approach to doing that. The bottom line is that at the end of the day I will be able to tell you, in about six to nine months' time, everything that's known by mankind about onset and progression of 14 conditions, including Parkinson's.
That's one of about 15 projects. There are other projects within the PHAC initiative that look at health services delivery, community initiatives, and we have annual meetings among all of the investigators in that $15 million three-year initiative that PHAC has funded to exchange ideas, see how we can help each other move forward to the development, ultimately, of a strategy to address neurological disease in Canada. We will be having a wrap-up meeting in March 2013 to look at everything we found scientifically, advice that might be helpful to practitioners, and we then want to see if we can use that as a basis for helping to create a national neurological disease strategy for Canada under the auspices of the Public Health Agency.
On just one last point, we will be planning knowledge translation activities, which will make sure all of this information gets in the hands of government officials, public health authorities, and practitioners to the best of our ability.