Let me answer your question by really talking about CIHR's strategic research priorities, one of which is the strategy for patient-oriented research. This is a case where as a federal agency we're working in partnership with the provinces and territories to do exactly what's been commented upon, to bring together the knowledge from different parts of the country, to share collegially together, to work together, to harmonize, and to share best practices.
One of the particular initiatives under the strategy for patient-oriented research that I commented upon in my opening remarks is the community-based primary health care signature initiative. Within that initiative we're looking to roll out a national network to bring together the bits and pieces that exist in different provinces, to accelerate the sharing of what works within particular jurisdictions, and try to harmonize it at a national level. It's not only individual researchers, but working federally to convene the provincial policy-makers and health care professionals to deliver on best practices.