As you know, we're supporting research. More and more we are mindful of the importance of evaluating the impact of these new technologies.
The best example I can give is the recent initiative on personalized medicine that we've launched with Genome Canada. It's a major initiative, $67.5 million to be matched equally by the provinces. We're talking $135 million on personalized medicine. It is about discovering new ways of producing care, diagnosing disease, and stratifying patients to ensure that treatments are appropriate. Imbedded in the request for application, RFA, and in the initiative itself is a clear intent to ensure that we measure the social impacts, economic impacts, and health impacts of these new technologies, and ensure in particular on the economic side, as my colleague explained earlier, that the expenses that will undoubtedly be linked with personalized medicine and genome sequencing linked to that will be compensated for by improved health, improved care, and actual savings, also, let's say, for all the patients we won't have to be treating because they don't have the right profile to respond, for instance, to a given drug.