I think, quite frankly, that CIHR doesn't have a lot of red tape. Our operating budget is between 5% and 6% of our total budget, which is among the thinnest operating budgets in the world for an agency of our type. I don't think there's a lot of red tape.
How do we manage that? We have the entire world research community working for us. All of the proposals we receive are adjudicated by peer review, i.e. they are reviewed by experts, mainly from Canada of course, but often they are also international experts. We don't always have the necessary expertise in Canada, or if it's a small base and we don't want to have conflicts of interest, we go outside.
It's marvellous to see how internationally we have a positive response to review the applications. It's a narrow door. We're funding not even 20% of the proposals that are submitted to us for review and funding.
It is highly competitive, but such is science. Science is highly competitive. We fund only the very best. I can assure you that your tax dollars are really well invested with us.