Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I'd like to start by thanking all the witnesses for being here.
I want to start my questions with Dr. Seely.
I was really pleased to be able to attend your opening last month to see it first-hand. One of my colleagues, Ms. Block, told me that integration is innovation in health care. I was really impressed how patient-oriented your clinic was and how you're focusing on education. I was impressed to see you had a kitchen in your facility, because nutrition is such an important part of things, and to see the cooperation among the oncologists, the naturopaths, and all the different professionals who work with you.
Your centre really does strive to assess and reduce the possible causes of cancer in people who've undergone these treatments, to get them back on track. I was wondering if you could expand on the kind of innovative treatment and management programs you use in the clinic.