I'll go to the two recommendations on the last page.
The first one is to focus on standardization of process, which is building process models. There are tools that are persistent in other industries that allow sustainability. They monitor that these standardized processes are adhered to and followed in a predictable way. Also on that, let's stop investing in disparate systems, where possible, and invest above that to that process layer, so we can abstract ourselves away from the complexity of the systems.
The second recommendation is to do a federated model. A hospital in Toronto could develop a standardized model for the emergency department. Another hospital could take care of outpatient care. Another hospital could develop models for chronic disease management. If there were appropriate governance, we could share those models and we would have a consistent model provincially or federally, or at whatever level that made sense.
I apologize for taking such a quick flyby on this. The briefing note will give you more detail, so I'll conclude.