Thank you.
I think innovation and improving productivity are challenges across all the sectors of our economy, but different sectors have different challenges. Health care—just thinking about the hospital back in my riding of Kingston and the Islands—is a little bit special because, first of all, it's publicly run. The bottom line is not in dollars. Back home in Kingston, the hospital is also a research hospital. It's also a teaching hospital. So there are a lot of constraints.
To Mr. Potter, considering these constraints and considering the fact that the adoption of new technologies and innovation in health care has proceeded at a different pace, I would say, compared to certain other sectors of the economy in the private sector, I was wondering if you had compared some of the different challenges between the health care sector and other sectors of the economy.
Are there places where you think the health care sector can do better than it has in comparison with the private sector? Or are there just certain challenges where we have to be patient because it's a different kind of bottom line and a different kind of environment?