In answer to your last question, we're fee-for-service at my clinic, but when we're doing our hallway consults, all it is is, “Dr. Boroditsky, can you come in and look at this rash with me?” We're not double-billing or anything like that.
When we are utilizing some of our doctors who have special interest in certain areas, that is more like a consultation, but the goal then would be that the outcome will be hopefully improved by our additional expertise in the area. But most of the time, if you see two or three of us going in a room, it's just an “I wouldn't mind having a couple of other opinions” kind of thing. It works quite well.
For our electronic records, nowadays it's purely not good patient care to start without it; that's for sure. Even now, as a business owner, understanding how much more efficiently we can keep track of things.... For example, it's so much harder to lose a test result: either it came into the system or it didn't. In the old days, you could have it falling out of the chart or being stuck in the wrong place and all that kind of stuff. It becomes a lot safer for the patients as well.
The only catch we have, and this may speak to some of the other comments about fragmentation, is that, for example, our electronic record can communicate with most other electronic records, but we have been having a lot of trouble because some of the electronic records that were adopted by the region can't communicate with ours. We still have to have all of them faxed over, converted into a PDF document, and put into the file, and then somebody has to go through it, whereas if the systems communicate properly, they can populate into the appropriate areas in the EMR and you have the information right there at your fingertips.
One of the other issues we have found is in wanting to link with something called eChart. The eChart allows access to all patient lab data that has come through the central system—all of their diagnostics, CT scans, X-ray reports, and everything.
They are deep in: we can access their drugs and immunization history and quite a few other things. It's very handy in the office. If you came in for your CT result and I said I didn't have it yet, I could log on, and it would probably be right there and we could get it for you.
The catch is—we are working with them now to implement it—that their technology is so old that to implement it for our clinic, they have to come in and actually downgrade our Internet and whatnot so that it will work with our system. Now we're not sure, because if we do this, we might have issues integrating with our X-ray department. We may have to downgrade just one or two stations to older technology to use this program.
It would be nice if the technologies worked together in a more collaborative way. It is very fragmented in that way, unfortunately.