Madam Chair and honourable members, thank you for having me here. I am Ali Jalali. I am a professor of anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. I also do a lot of research on innovative methods in teaching.
I'm going to start by talking a bit about the innovative technologies we use in medical education and that I've seen being used. I'll talk about some advantages, some disadvantages, and then some main points that I think are important for you to know about.
Why is all this talk about technology coming out right now? It's because of the digital native.
It is because of the new generation that we are trying to teach: a bit in medicine, a bit in nursing, and a bit in physiotherapy. These guys all come from an era when the Internet was always there. These guys were born with the Internet. They were born with technology, so education needs to adapt for them a little bit.
What type of education is out there? Probably you have all heard about e-learning. E-learning is electronic learning, so you really don't need classrooms anymore in many settings. This has its own advantages and disadvantages. The bigger part of e-learning now is m-learning, which is mobile learning. A lot of things can be developed on mobiles and given to people. I will get to the advantages and disadvantages in a second.
The huge thing that is very hot right now is MOOC. MOOC stands for “massive open online course”. Using MOOC means putting online a course that is certified, that people can get credit for, and that is open to everybody. You can have 10,000 people who have this certification from one course that someone has given.
What else do we have out there? Of course, we have Web 2.0, and for those who are not familiar with it, it's Web 2.0 against Web 1.0. Web 1.0 was the Internet, where you could go and have a look and see stuff, but you couldn't interact. With Web 2.0, you can interact with stuff. You can go to a hotel and comment on the hotel. The same thing applies in medicine. The same thing applies in education. A lot of teachers take advantage of that.
There are also a lot of wikis being born. You have heard of Wikipedia. What is Wikipedia? Is it the Internet? People can go there and write stuff on Wikipedia. Similarly, you can try to promote collaboration, communication, and inter-professionalism by using these types of tools.
The other huge Web 2.0? It's social networking. It's Twitter. It's Facebook. These are the things that our students and our residents, the people we are teaching, are using. We should embrace these. We should try to use them in education.
What else? There's simulation, of course. Everybody has probably heard of simulation. As soon as we talk about simulation, people usually think of high-fidelity simulation. They imagine a mock operating room, an OR built in a building such as we have here in Ottawa at the Civic Hospital, with a mannequin sitting on a bed and people working on it. Actually, though, simulation has been around for a while. The first type of simulation was with a standardized patient. To teach students, we brought in actors instead of actual patients.
The other type is virtual reality. I don't know if you have ever heard of a site called Second Life. It's a site that people go to where there are games, parties, and everything. It's a social network. Now in Second Life there are hospitals built by universities, where the students go to train, so this is another part of simulation.
There is procedure simulation. When I was in medical school, we used to do suturing on pigskin. That's another type of simulation. Simulation can be at different levels, but of course now what's hot is high-fidelity simulation, those Harvey mannequins that cost a lot of money and imitate a human being.
Those are the main points about the technologies I've found that are hot now and that I thought you should know about.
As for the advantages, these technologies of course help to adapt our education to the digital native, to these guys who are always technologically savvy and have their technology with them.
They also help with asynchronous learning, so the teacher doesn't have to be there. This saves time, money, and energy. Every four weeks you receive a new resident. A new doctor comes into the office and wants to work with you. You have to repeat the same things to him. Instead of the time that you or the nurses are spending on explaining this stuff to the students, you can just create a self-learning module, put it online, and ask people to look at it before coming to your office, so that when they do come in, they are ready for it. You take a passive technology such as a podcast and get more interaction with the patient out of it.
Those are the advantages. Of course, there also is a minimization of the risk to the patient. As I said, if you are suturing on pigskin, it is much better than doing it in the operating room for the first time.
This also gives power to students and patients. This is where the notion of e-student, to empower the student, and e-patient, to empower the patient, comes in.
If you go on Twitter, there are huge patient societies that talk about this stuff. There is no more of this “I am the doctor. I am the nurse. I am the health provider. I know everything.” No. There are patients who also have their say.
So these are the advantages I see.
As for the disadvantages, of course you need to learn all this stuff. When you have someone who wasn't born with the Internet—like me, like many of my colleagues—you have to go and embrace these types of technologies, and there's a learning curve.
Some people don't like it. If you say “Facebook” to them, they'll run away: “I'm not going to teach with Facebook. It's unprofessional.” No. You need to learn about it.
Then there's equipment failure. Everybody watched the Super Bowl. See what happens? It can happen. It happens everywhere. That was in the U.S., but it can happen here. When you're depending on technology, you need to have backup.
We need to teach our students about something that's new, which is online professionalism. They need to behave. I always tell my students, “You're a 24-7 MD. Deal with it.” For nurses, it's the same thing. When people look at your photo when you were drunk and under the table, they don't say, “Oh, that was his bachelor party.” No. For them, you're their doctor.
These are things we need to teach. You can't just tell the CMPA to, you know, go after people and.... No. They need to have policies for this.
One other thing that lots of my colleagues are afraid of is that we will lose empathy when we bring technology into teaching. When you have a Harvey mannequin in front of you, you can do whatever you want with the disease. There is no patient there. You can cure the mannequin. But when you're in the hospital, this is someone's grandfather. This is someone's grandmother. This is someone's mother in front of you. So we need to teach the students some empathy and the humanities of medicine.
Technology is great, but there are some main points that I want to get through first.
First we need to have needs assessments. Are you just using technology because everybody's giving iPads out? You shouldn't just hand iPads to people. You should not buy the hype. You need to make a needs assessment, and make sure that the people you want to give iPads to are comfortable with it.
Let's say I develop this great video, high-quality everything, and put it online with the thought that a remote-area patient will have a look at it. But if they don't even have high-speed Internet, then it's a waste of everybody's time and money. That's because I didn't do a needs assessment and didn't realize that these people didn't even have access to that. We need to be careful about this.
At the University of Ottawa, in fact at all the universities, we emphasize using technology that is based on educational theory. You know, have good objectives; know about adult learners; know about constructivism. If you're going to collaborate with each other and communicate, these are the theories of education that people need to know about.
We have two complete facilities—one AIME, the other CAPSAF—doing research in medical education to have the best practices. These things need to be based on solid ground. We need to research them.
As well, we always need to give feedback to people and follow up. You can't just give technology to people and hope that will solve all the problems. There are different levels of evaluation. You don't just give iPads to everybody, ask “So how many people liked it?”, and then write an article, if everybody puts their hand up to show “yes”, saying iPads are great. No. It's not that.
Our main goal in medical education, in health care, is patient care. That's the ultimate goal. Someone should see if this thing reduces the cost, if this things helps with patient care or not. That people are happy with it is not really what we should be after.
Finally, let's not forget about the humanities. If we just go with technology, then empathy may be lost.
Merci. Thank you.