Two things come to mind right away. Right now—you may know this, you may not—the stethoscopes that all the doctors have around their necks, these are already out. Nobody uses stethoscopes that much any more. Most doctors still use them. Why? Because ultrasound machines are so portable and much cheaper than they used to be so that many doctors are replacing them with ultrasound.
And on iPhones, all these smartphones, you can actually grab apps and then have hookups to them so you can hook them up and do an ultrasound right away. So that's an area where you don't have to carry that machine with you. The same goes with the EKG. Now you have apps and a cover that goes around this, with a metal back, so you can just put it on the patient and right away it will show you an EKG. It's not that it's coming; it's already there and it has been there for the last four or five years.
So just off the top of my head, these are two technologies that can be used right away.