Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today. It's a privilege and a welcome opportunity.
In my first 10 minutes I would like to discuss three main themes: first, that innovation and invention are different, and that difference matters; second, that Canada is in some ways well behind world leaders in medical technology innovation; and third, that there are solutions, we have made progress, and the federal government can play a critical role.
By way of introduction, my organization, Health Technology Exchange, or HTX, is a non-profit financing company managing a $21.4-million early-stage investment fund on behalf of the Ontario government. We have funded 26 medical technology, or med tech, companies aiming at global markets, facilitating about $80 million of investment in the Ontario med-tech ecosystem.
Over my career, I have been very fortunate to lead major health system transformation projects, creating three start-up companies of oncology, radiology, and Internet medical records. For the last two years I've been leading HTX as it assists med tech in Ontario to transform from an invention culture to an innovation culture.
The evaluation and promotion of medical technology innovation, the theme today, is what I and my colleagues, including my colleagues here, as witnesses, with whom I work regularly, do every day.
I'll move now to my first theme, that invention and innovation are different, and that difference matters. Invention is the creation of new knowledge through basic or clinical research, and innovation is transforming or commercializing an invention into something that can be used in clinical practice or sold as a product.
Without innovation, invention of new knowledge will have no impact and generate no return on the investment of public funds or philanthropic donations. We work every day with researchers who are fully committed to innovation, but not all of us in the R and D community share this view on the value of commercialization.
The 2011 five-year external review of CIHR included the rather shocking statement that CIHR-associated scientists’ “attitudes toward industry building a commercial base from research funding almost suggested that this outcome was unseemly”. It appears that our leading research institutions have not been incented to promote innovation, and in some unfortunate cases may belittle it.
This is also the case with our promotion of academic researchers. If there were two candidates for tenure, the first with 30 prestigious first-author papers, and the second, with 15 such papers, and $50 million in market capitalization of companies she helped found, the first candidate would likely get tenure.
Beyond a core of curiosity-based research, research for its own sake, without conversion to practice, is at best a waste of scare resources, and at worst, as I'll demonstrate, a subsidy of foreign commercial interests. Hospital procurement and health insurance systems that pay for technology also create barriers to innovation. Let me share an anecdote I often use.
Imagine a doctor and an engineer in a proverbial garage of a start-up company. They are building a prototype of what they believe is the greatest technology addressing an important problem. It's based on leading research funded by several million dollars of grants from CIHR. That is the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, in case you don't know.
They polish their prototype, get approval for human trials, and they take it to one of Canada’s leading academic hospitals. They say, “We have the leading technology addressing a really important problem. It may cost your hospital $1,000 more per procedure, but it will save 10 times that amount in reduced community care, physician visits, and aftercare, and will dramatically improve patient outcomes. Will you be our launch customer?”
Hospital management responds, “None of our researchers are working on this. It's not really a priority for us. Even if it works, my hospital has no budget or mechanism for buying your innovation. We buy the minimum-cost products under large umbrella contracts in order to manage our input costs. No one rewards us for solving the broader health system problems.”
A little while later, running out of cash and with few sources of local investment capital, the entrepreneurs go to Boston to try to pitch to a venture capitalist. After the pitch, the venture capitalist says, “Oh, you’re from Toronto. I did my medical degree in Toronto. What did the Toronto hospitals say about your technology?” When the company reveals that they could not sell their technology into their own home market, the Boston venture capitalist immediately loses interest.
The technology is eventually sold to a multinational company for a song, commercialized, and sold worldwide. In fact, it's not even sold in Canada because there is no business model that can take advantage of that technology here.
What benefit did we get from our millions in CIHR research and development in this example? Academic papers, yes, but no impact on Canadian patients, no economic growth, and no savings to the health care system.
Admittedly this is a caricature, and I'll have another one later on.
I'll return to this with a more optimistic scenario later, but I think you understand the point.
My second theme is that Canada is well behind world leaders in medical technology innovation, even though we appear to score well on many innovation measures. Over the last decade, Canadians have been proud of several measures and statements about Canada’s business environment. For example, we punch well above our weight and we're third to fifth in rates of academic publications and citations, sixth in U.S. patent awards, third in economic competitiveness, second in G-7 tax incentives, and so on. But these are not measures of innovation. They describe why we should be able to innovate but not what level of innovation we actually achieve.
Investment in research alone, without systematic translation to practice, has low value. Regarding patents, patents for non-commercial inventions obviously have little value, and software often can generate enormous commercial success with no patents at all. Measuring patents by itself is an indirect measure at best.
What are the direct measures? How about production and productivity?
The Canadian med-tech market is about $6 billion. We import $5.1 billion and export $2.1 billion. The total Canadian med-tech production is about $3.7 billion. Only one-third is sold in Canada, and two-thirds is exported. Canada’s med-tech production per capita is on par with that in the U.K. and Italy, and is about 20% less than that of France. However, the United States' and Germany’s productivity is about three times ours, and Switzerland's is 11 times ours. We need to evaluate our innovation not just on the inputs, like the quality of our academic research, but on our outputs, namely the production and global exports of our medical technology.
My third theme is that there are solutions. We have been making great progress. My colleagues in the room here were in Toronto, and they can attest to much of this as well. The federal government will play a critical role. Here are some highlights. In my global travels, Canadian IP and research outputs are as good as anywhere in the world. However, when you look at foreign start-up companies, they tend to differ in three ways from their Canadian counterparts. They have ready access to capital. That critical mass of capital allows them to attract very competent management. Their health systems are often able and willing to participate in innovation and have incentives to invest in bending the cost curve with homegrown technologies.
Now, a side note is that we should never promote homegrown products just because they're homegrown products. That will reward mediocrity and fail on the world stage. However, our serious competitors seek out and promote their world-class innovations at home.
The innovation clusters of Silicon Valley, Boston, Israel, and China were not created out of thin air. They had massive public sector investment priming the pump of an innovation culture. It is a myth that a can do attitude is all that is needed. I am the last person to recommend that throwing more government money alone is a solution, but I am here to applaud the federal government for its $400-million venture capital support plan, and other plans that fund organizations like ours and Ilsa's and so on. The key is to match with private sector investments and follow on. Helping the domestic market to be receptive to adopting homegrown innovations reduces risk and encourages private sector investment.
We are also very supportive of converting part of the SR and ED funding envelope into something like the U.S. SBIR program, along with a re-examination of the criteria for the remaining SR and ED funds. Canadian companies are at a severe disadvantage to U.S. and EU companies, where they have competitive SBIR and framework programs providing multi-million dollars of funding to early-stage companies.
On a different topic, EXCITE is a program in Ontario that is relatively new, globally unique, and generating tremendous excitement in the med-tech community.
Forgive me, Ilse, if I'm stealing a little bit of your thunder here; I hope I don't. It helps companies get to market faster and creates evidence that speeds the adoption of technologies in Ontario. With the Ministry of Health, industry, academia, and government at the table within EXCITE, it also opens the way for Ontario to act as the launch customer for local technologies that successfully meet EXCITE’s objective, third party, globally respected analysis process.
HTX is extending EXCITE through our so-called Harmony project. Harmony will enable small Canadian companies to anticipate regulatory and market requirements for multiple export markets simultaneously. This reduces the risk for these companies, attracts capital, speeds the products to export markets, and accelerates revenues.
EXCITE and HTX are worthy of expansion nationally and ongoing support, as well as of having more formal program linkages with federal programs such as IRAP, SR and ED, CIIRDF, and so on, and we're building those bridges.
So let me return to my small company under a different scenario, under a more ideal scenario.
Based on the quality of their research, that same MD and engineer who are in a garage building their prototype with several million dollars of research funding receive $2 million in a competitive Canadian SBIR grant, and bring on an expert med-tech CEO. They are accepted into a competitive EXCITE program, and EXCITE generates evidence that this is the best technology of its type globally. On the strength of that evidence, the Ontario Ministry of Health funds the technology's implementation at an academic hospital and creates a plan for Ontario-wide adoption. With rapid clearance in three other countries, based on EXCITE and Harmony evidence, customers in three different countries express interest to implement.
The little company now goes down with a local Toronto venture capitalist to syndicate financing with a Boston venture capitalist, and the Boston venture capitalist asks, “What does Toronto think of your technology?” They answer, “They proved it was the best in the world, and are implementing it across a 13 million person province. We comply with and have requests from three other major world markets.”
What a dramatically different story. The company then grows to 100-plus people, becomes internationally successful, selling CIHR-funded technology internationally, improving the health system for Ontario, generating economic wealth in Ontario and Canada.
By the way, I just read in the paper today that Epicel was sold for $245 million to a company right near where we're sitting right now, and it's a story not unlike this.
The scenario is optimistic, but with your support and the rest of the country's support, I think it's very realistic.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to your questions.