The problems that we're describing here are the siloed nature of the health care system and its funding. Even our health care funding is a hospital and doctors funding model, as opposed to an integrated health care system model. There are many books on this that you could read that articulate it very well.
For example, if a patient comes into a hospital with congestive heart failure and goes out of the hospital too early from congestive heart failure and has to come back to the hospital for care, that hospital and those doctors will get reimbursed for doing that more times. You don't want to do that. What you want to do is, say there's a certain way you should get incented to do the job correctly, and to have the resources necessary to do the job correctly. The scope of the patient is hospital, community centre, a private doctor's office, home, etc. There should be a way of incenting care delivery across that envelope, not just in each of the individual components.
Whether it's so-called value-based health care financing or a different integrated care delivery network, there are such things that exist in the world. They work very well and they get much better outcomes than we have in our environment here.