As you know, devices go through federal approval from Health Canada, but then they go through provincial approval because health delivery is a provincial jurisdiction. We're not going to change that.
I had the great privilege of running an analogous process, which ended up being called pCODR the pan-Canadian oncology drug review process. It's the same idea. Every province determines which cancer drugs they're going to fund, but Health Canada is the one that approves the drug to go on the market. In the past, each of the drug companies had to argue with each of the provinces to try to get their drug approved. Now with pCODR the same evidence package is used and referenced by all the different provinces. Without dramatically changing the world, we could do the same kind of thing. With respect to health care technology assessment, if an EXCITE review says that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread, then let's not have the other provinces redo it. Let's do it once, in B.C., or in Quebec, or wherever, and then let's have it used by the other provinces. That's just a recommendation.