Thank you very much, gentlemen, for coming today. My questions will be directed to all three of you. Basically, I have one.
Certainly, Dr. Lear, I wanted to extend my understanding. I come from British Columbia in the southeast corner near Cranbrook. We deal with IHA there, the Interior Health Authority, and to me it would appear, and this is just a statement, Chair, that the health authorities are there as a buffer for the province, and it becomes difficult at times to try to administer something as it moves forward. That's just a statement, Chair.
I live in a small community of 3,000 and we work under the primary health care model. Our hospital was closed some years ago and it worked quite well. But part of the problem, and I want to understand what we can do federally, from you three gentlemen, is how do we convince the general public that either e-health or telehealth is something they can believe in?
The other thing is, what I hear from a lot of people is, “Why do I have to be the doctor? You're the doctor, so why am I doing all this stuff for you?” How do we get them to the point where they're confident with the system, that they understand that this is the next generation and that this is where we have to go, especially in smaller, rural communities?
I'll start with you, Dr. Lear.