To answer the latter question, yes, we've been in conversation. I think one of the things that Ontario has started to do well is that they have set up conformist testing, saying all of our electronic health records must have certain things in place and if they are in place, we're certified and we're eligible. That has made, I think, a huge difference.
Canada Health Infoway has moved into ISO certification saying that you must have a quality system from start to finish. Whether it's from the development of the software to the implementation, it has to be in a standardized quality format. I think that sort of initiative really starts to break down the barriers.
Where the barriers are still frustrating is where a province or an organization says they're not going to speak with one particular technology because they want to set up a barrier. That's what has to be broken down so there's a standardization. This means a hospital will speak to one technology and a technology will speak to another one because there's comfort that their standard is there, the data is protected, that there is security, privacy, etc.