To answer the first part of your question, I think the private sector is ready to play a bigger role and to try different models to solve the problem. Instead of receiving billions of dollars, we can choose models that are similar to those used by telephone companies, for instance. That means developing systems where you pay for usage. Many players, including Telus, would be fully open to the idea of letting the private sector develop some of those solutions in exchange for compensation when those systems are used.
As to the second part of your question, you asked what the winning formula is. Many studies show that it does not depend on one factor only. When you are at a turning point, a number of factors come into play. I still believe that changing the compensation system for doctors is a good idea. I am not saying to increase the wages, but to change them. In my view, doctors also need to be encouraged to use those technologies. Finally—and this is a key factor—we must ensure that some standards are in place. At some stage, some players will drop out of the race.