Let me give you a concrete example. In my village, we have a health co-op. The doctors are paid by the government and they also belong to the FMG. The health co-op members create a whole environment for doctors. Perhaps the rent for the health clinic is lower, perhaps there is more equipment and perhaps they have better people around. Doctors get a platform for free or that is significantly cheaper for the health care system. That makes it possible for them to move to the village.
For example, Mr. Ballagh said that people did not want to move to Barrie, Kirkland Lake or other remote places. Co-ops are an attractive workplace for doctors. So they will move to work there. They continue to be paid by our health care system. They continue to be part of an FMG and to work as an FMG.
There is another difference. For instance, a co-operative can decide to hire another nurse, in addition to the one paid by the FMG. The FMG nurse will then be able to take on additional work, which will reduce the doctor’s workload and give him or her time to see more patients.
Basically, people in the community come together to add more services. This creates an environment that will attract doctors.
It really complements the public system. There is no competition. This is especially important for places or areas of activity where the private sector would not benefit from investing in low-priced buildings for doctors, and things like that. Perhaps this answers other questions. When the private sector cannot provide those types of services, the community will decide to do so by creating a co-operative.
The same goes for telehealth. In Nova Scotia, one co-op provides a telehealth service. No private investors were interested in that type of service, because there was no profit to be made. So the people in the community decided to form a co-op in order to have access to the public services they were already paying for as taxpayers. By making an additional investment, they improved their access to health care. They took a real good look at what their needs were in terms of having easier access to public services. They decided to put money on the table, because the private sector found that there was no money in it, basically.