I want you to have a look at this lady who has Ménière's disease in her right ear. We are treating it very aggressively at the moment. Because she has gotten worse lately, she's convinced she has Ménière's disease developing in her left ear. She has had no objective physical findings in my office, and her hearing test in the left ear is normal. The only way I can know which ear is causing her problems is to look at her eye movements.
There she is. You can see her eyes are beading very briskly in the leftward direction, toward her left eye.
I received that video, and the reason I chose it wasn't that it was the best-quality video—I have a better-quality video I could show, if you are interested—it was because I received it an hour after I received an invitation to join your committee today.
For this lady, it was the lynchpin in her diagnosis. What it means is that her Ménière's disease in her right ear is acting up. It is worse. I need to take her treatment of that Ménière's disease in her right ear to the next level, a level that could involve destructive changes in the inner ear. In fact, I could end up having to deafen her inner ear on that side in order to make this better. It's much better, though, to treat that ear than to treat an ear that is actually healthy and that she suspected was abnormal.