That's an excellent question. As for red tape, the biggest challenges were in the initial building, the nine months it took to make sure the building codes, fire codes, elevator codes were in line with the City of Barrie and building standards. Then it was making sure, specifically for the surgery facility, that we meet the pages and pages of criteria for safety such as sterility, backup generators, and emergency evacuation. Those were the biggest challenges.
The inspection process is fairly intense. There is the CAAASF as well as the College of Physicians and Surgeons. It took months to prepare for the inspections. In Ontario you can't just open an out-of-hospital facility and start operating as we did two or three years ago. It has to go through a very intense process.
On the question of funding, I may be repeating myself a bit but an important message is that we hope the federal government would make recommendations saying that out-of-hospital facilities are safe and effective and should be viewed as a viable alternative for delivering publicly funded, medically necessary health care. We want to be respectful of the Canada Health Act, and we want to provide health care that is necessary for the communities, but we believe our model can administer that health care in a cost-effective way. For example, we could look at tendering contracts for hernias or thyroids or other publicly funded procedures. We believe that those patients don't need to be in a hospital setting. They don't require hospitalization; they don't have complicated illnesses that require critical care admissions. We believe we can perform this quite safely and effectively outside.