Yes, we don't know how to talk without them anymore.
I took a page from the politicians' playbook today. I'm not going to answer the question you asked, but I'm going to answer the question I wanted you to ask.
I'm a professor at the University of Toronto and a professor at the University of Oxford, and I run a public-private partnership between Canada and the United Kingdom, and soon Brazil. It's an early-stage drug discovery. It's how to make medicines faster.
I want to get the point across about why we're doing this and the role Canada can play as a leader and not a follower—and we don't often lead.
I think you know the main problems we want to address. You guys, certainly at this time of year when you're making budgets, see the health care costs growing at 6% per annum—at least your provincial counterparts do. There is not a lot of freedom to operate in terms of where you spend your money. As well, we're all getting older, and per person we're not having as many kids, so there's going to be a demographic that works against the Canadian system.
Part of the rationale to invent new medicines is that they're cost-effective. Good medicines do reduce health care costs, but unfortunately the industry as a whole—that's across the world—is not inventing new medicines, particularly for diseases that are chronic and that afflict us all.
Novartis is one of the best drug companies in the world and they're not doing any more research in Alzheimer's disease. They say it's too hard.
In our country, 25% of the population is going to be over 65 in 2050. In Japan, 41% of the population is going to be over 65. That's when chronic disease starts, so we're in trouble.
I'll never be a politician, because there is this script, and I never follow it. So therefore as a politician I would be in big trouble.
Part of the problem with the downsizing of industry is that Canada loses. Boehringer Ingelheim has closed its research facility in Montreal. Merck has closed its research facility in Montreal. This is happening in all the western countries.
If industry is not inventing novel medicines, it's moving to countries that have more customers, so that's China and India. If you don't have anything new to sell, you sell what you have to more people. It's a perfectly logical business move, but it doesn't help us. It doesn't help us with Alzheimer's, and it doesn't help us with the diseases that are going to get us.
I'd like you to, at the end of this, not come out depressed. I think there is a real way that Canada can have an impact on these global problems, not the problems of Canada, but the problems that are in Canada and the world. One of the big problems is who is going to invent the new medicines.
Industry is now wondering why it can't invent new medicines. There is a common agreement among academics like me—professors—and doctors and industry that we just don't know enough about human biology. That's the reason. There is no innovation crisis. There is no hidden agenda. When we start to test medicines in people, most often they don't work, because we got the hypothesis wrong. So we think if we take this drug, our diabetes will go away, and—damn—it doesn't. We have no way of predicting that before we test.
So industry is saying, “Let's collaborate with those smart professors”, but I think they're out of luck, because the professors around the world and the global system of discovery are actually failing the community.
You will remember that the human genome was done. We have 20,000 genes. That's the code. You can say, “Cool! How much research is there on gene number one, gene number two, gene number three?” You can then plot that on a curve.
This graph shows 518 genes and the research per gene. What the hell is going on? Why is everybody working on the same ones? That's because the way we reward ourselves as professors is by obtaining peer recognition. Our friends have to think we're good. It's not money that drives us; it's how well we are doing in our field. You know, “I'm the big stud and I published on this and I get to go to all of these meetings and things”. If you work where no one else is working, no one is going to invite you to Barcelona to give a seminar. No one is going to ask you to do this. You're not going to get any awards. Do you know how to succeed in my field, in professor-land? Work where everyone else works. If you happen to be a little better, you get all the papers.
The reality, though, is that if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, it will not affect the world one bit because there are 100 other people doing the same experiment. It's the system by which we, in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, reward professors—it gives us tenure, gives us grants—causing us to be extraordinarily myopic in our research. We all focus on the same thing.
Despite what Pierre's organization has done, and opened up the genome, it can't change our behaviour because we're not driven.
My mom is a grade one teacher. She said, “I thought you scientists like to discover stuff.” I replied, “I know, Ma. That's not it, exactly. We like to get invited to Barcelona and give seminars”.
The problem in translating this basic research into applied research is, now I’m in industry—for example, I work for Merck and I want to cure cancer. Who do I talk to? The smart Harvard professors with the bow ties. Well, how did they get to be Harvard professors? They are successful in working where everyone else is working. So they're going to tell me, “At Merck, you should work on this protein that is a higher priority”. The same Harvard professor goes to all the other companies and tells them the same thing. What happens? All the industry works on the same proteins that we work on. It's an incredible duplication of effort.
Around the world, Canada spends $1 billion to $2 billion on biomedical research. There is $100 billion spent around the world, all focused on 10% of this stuff. There's this whole swath of biology not being investigated. The consequence is that when we go to patients with a putative Alzheimer's drug and it doesn't work, we lose because we didn't know enough. We didn't know enough because we're not investigating the unknown. We're not investigating the unknown because the system doesn't let us. This is the problem I have encountered, and have tried to overcome in our organization.
Another thing you need to understand is that it's not getting any better. Comparing the number of research papers and the number of genes, you can see that before the genome—the monumental event in 2002, and five years after, and last year, or 2009 when I did it last myself—the research is still on the same darned ones.
Of the papers published by professors and doctors, 65% are on the proteins that were hot in 1992. We are very slow to move from our comfort zone. Scientists like to fondle their problems, and we really get into it, and we can't let go. This is to the detriment of a lot.
Now, most fields are like this, but we can quantify this because the genome has only 20,000 genes, and you can actually count them.
So this is the innovation crisis on the planet, not only in Canada.
It was this that caused us to be quite concerned. As one of many examples, here is a science paper. In essence, it says, “These two funny names, map three...are two genes that are important for cancer”. Look where that one lies on the “importance-ometer”.
Forty years since Nixon's war on cancer, a trillion bucks has been spent on cancer research. You know as well as I if you've had a sick relative that it's hard to cure, and we didn't even know about that gene just published last year. We've been working on the same ones everyone has, like the drunk looking for the keys under the street light.
This is a serious problem.
What our organization did was to say that if industry finds it too risky to work down there and academia finds it too risky to work down there—because the systems don't allow us to—what if everybody put a little bit of money into a pot? We said that the purpose of this organization is to learn about the unknown, to get a flashlight and march off into the unknown. Industry and academia both agree that we don't know enough about biology, so there's common interest, and indeed, that's what we did.
What's the opportunity for Canada, here? As researchers, we do this thing, we're extraordinarily competitive. I mean, we work under the light and we're sometimes better, sometimes worse. We're extraordinarily competitive in Canada. We have really smart people. But they're all working in the same area, in general.
How can we in Canada have the biggest impact on the planet, which will have the biggest impact on chronic disease, and which will have the biggest impact on our health care system?
I say, why don't we let America and the EU and China fight for that piece and elbow each other out of the way? One can be first, and the rest can follow.
If we have one dollar to spend, why would we spend it competing with the EU and the United States and China, when we could take a risk? The trouble is, you don't get any credit for working out there as professors so you need to invent a new system, because we promote people based on their ability to compete under the light. We fund people based on their ability to compete under the light. The world works that way and we're not going to change it. You know, there are some things about politics that don't make sense and you can't change it. You have to live with it, and you have to live with that.
How do you get people to go out there? What we did was convince eight—and now nine—companies to donate money to the organization that I run. We have a couple of hundred people in Toronto and at Oxford who do research and put it into the public domain without patents, all for knowledge discovery, all addressing the most important problem in health, which is how to find out more about the human body, and how to find out more about disease so that when drug companies make medicines, they work, and the cure for Alzheimer's will not be by guessing but it'll actually be logical.
It's a completely different system for supporting biomedical research. I think Canada has a unique opportunity. The United States can't do this because they're so fixated on patents, and every university wants to be “the one” and build shiny buildings and compete. The EU can't do it. To get anything done you need 37 signatures from 37 ministers of this or that, and you might as well shoot yourself.