Perhaps, but unfortunately the way we've let industry evolve is that pharmaceutical companies have a lot of skill sets that we no longer have in universities. It's just how the ecosystem evolved. So there are some problems that can only be solved in this part of the curve, in the unknown, by combining forces; by combining monetary forces, intellectual forces, and technology forces.
In America they can't do it because they all say, “Who's going to own the patent?” and then you talk to lawyers and then you shoot yourself. In the EU, it's “Who's going to do it?” and you have to get Lithuania and everyone to sign a common agreement and that'll take years. We can be nimble here and we've done it before. So on the insistence that pharma funds half, I think we have a great opportunity for Canada to be a leader of early-stage drug discovery in that area, provided we get cash from industry to do it, and no patents, and they will do it. And Canada will be the magnet for early-stage drug discovery, I'm convinced. We did it once. There are new projects starting with Pierre. I'm very optimistic.