Yes, it's exactly that.
For any given disease, especially more complex diseases—cancer, epilepsy, autism, some of these more complex diseases—we're understanding that it's just not one disease, it's many diseases. Through the genome, we can classify whether people are type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4, or whatever stratification they lie in. Based on that molecular profile, the treating physicians will be able to say, “Well, you know this epileptic patient here, the last thing we should do would be to give that person anti-epileptic drug x. That's the last thing we should do, because all that's going to happen is that we will do harm to that person.” It will reinvent, if you like, the way medicines are prescribed based on an individual profile. We're all very different. In this room, we are all very different. We're going to react differently to different drugs. This is what the genome is telling us.