I'll have a crack at that.
My own jurisdiction is Newfoundland. Telehealth, which Bob mentioned, is being pioneered by a unit in Labrador, where they've had challenges delivering health care to rural communities. It has made a big difference. Again, it's a question of multiple strands to answer the problem.
On the concept of looking at funding models, in Alberta, for example, there is a system whereby funding can be attracted for the primary care networks. It goes to non-medical services for groups that agree to provide comprehensive care. That money allows them to provide walk-in clinics, on-site foot care clinics, diabetic counselling, nutritional counselling, and those kinds of things. Groups of doctors amalgamate under this umbrella of a primary care network.
To step back and ask what could be done at the federal level, I would take you back to the two issues of best practice and innovation. There is no comprehensive system for identifying loci of best practices. There are good things in Labrador, there are great things in Saskatchewan, and there's the urology practice in Saskatoon. There are wonderful things in Alberta and perhaps in Ontario, but that information doesn't get shared. There's no centre for best practice. The health council may have thought at one time that would be part of its mandate, and it kind of never went that way.
The other thing is innovation. How do you plant the seed and fund models that are trying something out? If you don't allow new ideas to bubble up and succeed or fail without prejudice, you'll never get any further than you are at the moment. The Canadian Medical Association would like to see the feds look at a centre for innovation. There has been some talk of that and some money suggested in that direction. We say that's a good start, and let's have some more.
So if you want to try to build a firmer foundation you need to have mechanisms to identify and promulgate best practices--areas where there's funding for innovative approaches along team lines, and that kind of thing. In actual fact, that was one of the things that fell out of the 2004 accord right back at the beginning. There was some money set aside for primary care reform, and that kick-started some team approaches in our province for the money that was produced there. So I'd offer that as a possible way ahead.