Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Thank you, to all of you, for being here today.
My questions are going to be for Dr. Molnar.
I used to sit on a health board—the largest health region in Saskatchewan. I haven't been there for about three years, but I know that the lion's share of a provincial budget typically is going to health and that the lion's share of the health budget is typically going to acute care.
Back in the day, I recall we had something called a “one-way valve”. We moved into the health district model and then the region. We could take acute care dollars and put them into community services, but we couldn't take from community and put into acute care, and that's probably for obvious reasons.
I want to ask you about the slide in your presentation under “Community Care: The real cause of Hospital ALC crisis and Bed Gridlock”. We've talked about primary care models, encouraging collaborative effort on the part of health care providers. In the last point, it says that hospitals are the most expensive site of care and they've become the default care system. You say that this needs to change. What would you do to change that reality? What has to happen?