Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak with you today. As you mentioned, my name is Andrew Williams, and I am the president and chief executive officer of the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance. We call it the HPHA. We represent four hospitals located in southwestern Ontario, including the Clinton Public Hospital, St. Marys Memorial Hospital, Seaforth Community Hospital, and the Stratford General Hospital.
As an organization, we employ 1,200 staff, we grant privileges to 160 physicians, and we are fortunate to benefit from over 500 volunteers who support the services we provide. Our annual operating budget is $126 million, and we have a primary catchment population of 130,000 people who live in the two counties we provide service to.
The communities we serve are largely rural in nature. I think that's important because when we're talking technology, one of the more challenging areas to ensure appropriate access is in our rural communities across the country. Farming is the major economic driver. The population we serve is slightly older, with actually one of our census subdivisions being the oldest average age in Canada. Of course that has implications in health care delivery and the services we offer.
I personally have had the pleasure of serving our public health care system for over 25 years and have held positions in some of our largest and smallest organizations, including actually starting my career here in Ottawa. I also survey for Accreditation Canada, which takes me across the country, and when combining this with the experiences I've enjoyed throughout my career, I have developed a pretty good perspective of the challenges and opportunities we face in health care in this country.
I have come to realize that while the scope and size of organizations may vary, the basic principle is the same: namely, being able to directly provide or facilitate the provision of safe, accessible, affordable, appropriate care.
I'm keeping my opening remarks reasonably general, and I'll assume if additional details are of interest we can pursue them during the dialogue period.
When we look at technology in health care, and more specifically at the costs of technology, it is important to understand the degree to which technology now defines us. It wasn't that long ago that people were in hospital for two weeks for gall bladder surgery. Now, through keyhole surgery, they're in and out the same day. It wasn't that long ago that we were typing our health records on triplicate pieces of paper; now we're doing it through voice-activated dictation that goes right to electronic health records. It wasn't that long ago that radiologists were picking up X-ray films and hooking them into the bright screens that you used to see on TV. Now we can have radiologists read digital images from all around the world. So there's a huge change, and it's all driven by technology. When we look at the services we offer as an organization, I would say there's not a single one that is not influenced by technology in one form or another.
The challenge we face is the degree to which technology is available to us, as it varies from organization to organization, from sector to sector, and from province to province. Combined with this, we have a population that is becoming more technologically savvy, and their expectations of what the health care system can and should do for them is increasing daily.
The bottom line, though, is that we will always fall short in our ability to provide safe, high-quality, accessible, affordable care in the absence of a plan that fully maximizes appropriate technology for the people we serve.
I include “appropriate” very intentionally as it does not make sense to have everything everywhere—something that's a bit of a challenge when planning public service delivery, as you would know. A good example of this is that we recently installed a new MRI unit—common technology and well known, I'm sure, to the people around the table. It's in a region that supports eight hospitals.The cost to us was $3.4 million, with annual operating costs of $800,000. It would not make sense to have MRIs in every hospital, although some people would advocate that they would want that because of closer-to-home care. What we need to do is look at what makes sense from an investment point of view, from a health care point of view, and from a regional perspective. Then, within that, make sure patients have equitable access based on their need. When we can't provide the service in a reasonably close geographic proximity, we need to look at technologies in different ways: for example, mobile MRIs that can travel into northern parts of the province or across the country.
I always like to use quotes when I'm talking. One from Charles Darwin sticks out: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”. I think in health care, how well you adopt technology will define how well you survive.
When we look at technology in our organization, we look through a number of lenses. We look at direct patient care equipment: cardiac monitors, dialysis machines. We look at support equipment in the lab, in imaging. We look at hospital information systems, which provide the basic data for the organization to operate, in our case the MEDITECH platform.
We look at the technology that links various health care providers, both internally and externally. We also look at what systems we need to connect to our consumers, to our patients, making sure that we're taking advantage of technology. And then we need to look at the infrastructure. That's often missed, particularly in rural communities. If you don't have a good infrastructure in your community, it doesn't matter what technology you have in your health care system, it's not going to work. So we obviously have to look at a number of different variables when making investments in health care.
All of these perspectives require investments, and unfortunately organizations rarely have the capacity, in either people or money, to maximize investments in all areas. Therefore, clear and thoughtful technology plans are required, driven by safety, sustainability, innovation, and growth.
Currently hospitals in the country are graded on what's called an EMR adoption scale of zero to seven. Our current score is 3.26. This may seem low, but it's one of the highest in our region, which speaks to how advanced hospitals are—or are not—when it comes to technology. Our goal is to be the first rural group of hospitals in the country to be a seven. That will require probably a further $2 million in investment and three years of planning.
We have an annual IT budget of about $2.8 million, largely towards staffing, and it represents about 2.2% of our budget. Hospitals in our region range between 1.8% and 5% of their budget going to IT, and that's not including the technology they would buy, which I talked about earlier, the equipment for patient care. That's for the actual IT costs. There's a significant range in those. We're always looking, as you can imagine, at ways to refine and appropriately allocate costs.
The key for me, though, in this discussion is that technology is really not a cost. I view technology as an investment. Gone are the days when it would have been “nice to have”, when some organizations and communities would have it and some wouldn't. People expect it to be available, and we have an obligation to make sure it's there.
We have made a number of what I think are innovative investments, which I want to just quickly share with you. They speak to the diversity and the breadth.
First is a system called PatientKeeper. It sits on top of our hospital information system and allows physicians to access health records on mobile devices. Physicians can go anywhere in the organization. They can be anywhere in the community. With their iPads, their mobile devices, they can access information on their patients. This allows for real-time access. It allows for an improved dialogue with patients. And it certainly has streamlined our ability to provide care.
The cost for this type of system is a quarter of a million dollars. Any time you make any investment in health care technology, it's fairly significant. It gets more challenging the more rural you are, because you don't have the ability to raise the funds that larger centres do.
The second investment we've made, which I think is interesting—and in fact, we were told we're the only ones in the world doing this—is that we are engaging patients enrolled in our outpatient mental health program in their care through specific two-way video linkages.
Just this past week, in fact, the Minister of Health for the province of Ontario was in our organization allocating additional funds for this.
Each day at a defined time, health care providers connect with specific patients to discuss their care. It's basically a visit to the health care provider every day electronically. You can actually see the patient, which is important in mental health. This check-in really has improved care. This, I believe, is a sign of the future of health care, bringing care directly to patients through technology, thereby ensuring more accessible and more timely care.
The next area to highlight for you is regional programs. One of the best ways to capitalize on technology is to work in partnerships. We have a number of these in place. The one I'll highlight is a 12-hospital laboratory partnership. That's important, because it reduces the requirement of all hospitals to have all technology. It allows you to centralize some of your high-cost technology while ensuring that the high-volume low-cost tests can still be provided at local hospitals. We just facilitated a major multi-year equipment replacement program across all sites, which ensures best price, best safety standards, and best use of staff. It's a very good way of maximizing technology in a rural community.
The last area to highlight is our efforts in connecting community physicians to hospital information systems. Nothing is more important to clinical decision-making than having timely, accurate information. We have structured our HIS so that it pushes out certain pieces of information to family physician offices so that they're better able to manage the care of their patients.
If l, for example, had an X-ray this afternoon at one of our hospitals, my family physician would be able to access that information in her office immediately. That, to me, is a tremendous way to improve health care.
When we talk about information in health care, we often refer to it as e-health, which is sometimes viewed as a bad word, unfortunately. In truth, though, in my view, now we're looking at a new word, which is m-health, which means mobile health. Make no mistake about it, we're at a point in time when mobile devices and information clouds are defining us, and they're defining health care.
Imagine the impact on recruitment if a graduating medical student were to come to a community, mobile device in hand, only to be told she could not use it because bandwidth would not support it. Imagine trying to recruit a nurse who has just come out of an environment in which they were surrounded by....
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