It's an interesting question. I think it's about knowledge translation and spread, and I think someone has talked about that.
In Canada you get these pockets of innovation, and it is very difficult to spread them. In the cardiovascular community we talk to people; they know about it. But this is an adoption for which you need an innovator. Dr. Keon at the time was the innovator behind this. He invested in it. We had partnerships with Nortel, etc. We put this up without any money, and not everybody will do that.
I think the other point, to address Robyn's comment, is that once you have good things that work, how do you enable them to spread, and how do you say, “Okay, this works, so stop playing around the edges now and start implementing it”? It's the way the system is actually set up. There are individual boards, there are individual regions, and it's very hard to spread it.