It's a web-based tool, so it's Internet-based. It's 12 questions. You go on the questionnaire. You answer each question. As you answer, information pops up and tells you about healthy living, about things you can do to change the way you're currently living if you have risk factors. You end up, at the end of the questionnaire, with a risk score that says whether you're at low risk for diabetes or pre-diabetes, or moderate or high.
The true value, although we actually need to study this more, comes in that discussion with your health care provider. If you're with your pharmacist when you're filling out the questionnaire, then the pharmacist can say to you that you really need to be paying more attention to this aspect of your health, or you really should see your family doctor because you're at very high risk for diabetes or pre-diabetes.
So it's that kind of counselling session and education session, and it's at a time when people are motivated to learn.