I think I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you.
I just get a thrill from trying to build something new. I think it takes passion, really, and I have a passion for preventative care. I have a passion for trying to do something early on and changing the course of somebody's life before disease hits.
I've been practising medicine for 28 years, and I've seen a lot of ill people. We've spoken a lot about end of life and the elderly and chronic disease. If you were to get a chronic disease and just die, without having that poor quality of life between the time you developed the disease and you died, then there'd be no need for this.
There are very many entrepreneurs, and I think you'd be surprised at how much competition we have in Canada. What we're doing in Canada is in its infancy. In the United States, it literally is a multibillion-dollar industry. As I said, 90% of corporations offer these programs. Probably 2% or 3% do in Canada.
I think it's a harder challenge here because of the government-funded health care system, if you will, and the reliance of employers on government to take care of it all.
INTERxVENT Canada is a MaRS-sponsored company. We've presented at MaRS. We've presented at the global health conference. There are many entrepreneurs working with us, partnering with us, talking about building in incentives, challenges, social media. We're exploring lots of different partnerships as we speak.
So I think Canada is growing in the world of proving itself on the stage of health care innovation.